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The Culture Group

A lot has been happening at the Vision School in Ghana, and now that the school is on summer vacation and Victoria was able to send some new Fotos, so it seems like the perfect time to write about some updates!

The school has continued expanding! In 2017, more children were enrolled (there are even two separate 2nd rate classes now!) and more rooms and student 'clubs' or interest groups have been added. For one, the Vision School now has a separated kitchen, where it has access to water and can prepare meals closed off from the rest of the buildings. In this way, it can offer a larger variety of school meals and prepare larger quantities for the children.

Additionally, the children have formed a Cultural Group, which is part of their history class. As part of this project, a group of students dress in traditional Ghanaian fabric and perform cultural dances and songs. This has come to represent an important historical component of the classroom, but is also a fun way for the students to incorporate their cultural background into their learning!

In light of the summer festival that the Vision School holds to celebrate the end of the semester and the beginning of summer vacation, the Cultural Group also had the opportunity to perform dances to live music for their classmates and other visitors. Not a bad way to start the summer! :)

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