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Coping during the COVID-19 pandemic

Throughout the last years, the Vision International School was prospering. Slowly but surely, the school had grown into a strong pillar of the community. Offering education to more students every year. Victoria had built up a solid stream of income to fund the school and employ all the teachers.

Then, COVID-19 came. And Ghana too is affected. Victoria reached out to inform me of how the school has had to adapt during the pandemic. Schools had been closed throughout the country since April. School fees for the Vision International school had not been paid. Victoria couldn't ask parents to pay their school fees when they themselves were struggling to feed their children. For the school, there is no secure source of income.

Since June, the oldest school children (in the final year of Junior High School) returned to the school grounds to finish the programs necessary to graduate and pursue their High School studies. Teachers have been camping out to meet the demand and are getting things ready for the other school children to join classes once again in the early Fall.

The Victoria Project has come together to raise funds to send to Ghana and support the school to withstand this troubling time. A total of 4000 Euros will be sent to Victoria and the school.

Here are the images that Victoria sent over.

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